


Due to Uruguay's President for publicly put pressure on the country's football association, football violence led to the fa pau, chairman of the firm was forced to resign, FIFA (FIFA) are investigation, survey, if verified, FIFA will prohibit Uruguay in all international events, including the World Cup. South American football atmosphere has been very popular, especially in the Uruguay national league, the field of hot also lead to otc violence. Pena rolle team and national Buy FIFA Coins team is Uruguay's famous football club, the fans of both teams account for 90% of the country's total number of fans. Uruguay football violence most associated with the two clubs.

"The two clubs should be UT Coin Traders punished, the club does not respect the security work of the police, even after the game there are quite a few complaints about the police security work of the prosecution." Uruguay's President said MuXi card. He was unhappy to the stadium violence, even said: "in order to stop the stadium violence, I think at the appropriate time to suspend the country's football game." MuXi card after police ordered Montevideo may not act as pena roll and the national team's game to provide security, this leads to a delay in last weekend's league.

Brazil's lance sports news quoted the Uruguayan media sources, under the pressure of the President, the football association chairman pau was forced to resign. If pau firm's resignation is the government's willingness to act, so Uruguay is likely to miss this year's World Cup in Brazil. Because according to FIFA rules, each country's football authorities should not be influenced by government agencies, and in the event of such a thing, it may be expelled from FI FA series.


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