


Endometrial Hyperplasia - The Types Involved

Endometrial Hyperplasia is one of the most feared diagnosis a patient can have. The public views this disorder as a stepping-stone towards uterine cancer. Misconception is running around in terms of this disorder. The disorder endometrial hyperplasia has different categories. The knowledge about these categories provides more background to the public especially for those who are anxious about this disease. Endometrial Hyperplasia is not entirely cancerous but can progress to uterine cancer.

Endometrial Hyperplasia is brought by the excessive thickening of the endometrium because of the hormonal alteration happening in the uterine cavity. The hormone responsible for this thickening is estrogen. It is a growth-stimulating hormone that induces the cellular hyperplasia in the area. The hormone responsible for the negation and regulation of this mechanism is Progesterone. It regulates the rate of cellular division in the area in order to prevent excessive thickening of the endometrium. If conception does not occur, the endometrial lining sheds and expelled from the body as menstruation. However, there are cases wherein progesterone decreases or becomes absent leading to the exponential cellular division in the endometrium. No regulation is present and estrogen still induces the cellular proliferation thus excessive thickening of the endometrial lining occurs.

Many people consider this ailment as a pre-cancer complication. It is however not entirely correct. There are four types of this disorders that have to be considered if we are going to link Endometrial Hyperplasia with cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia is divided into two categories, which are simple or complex hyperplasia without atypia (means cellular alteration or abnormality) and simple or complex hyperplasia with atypia.

Simple hyperplasia without atypia is the irregular and cystic proliferation of the glands in the uterine cavity. The cells become irregular in shape and pile up resulting to endometrial thickening. This is induced by the increasing estrogen and decreasing levels of progesterone. It is usually resolved by D and C and sometimes just by the normal menstruation. The structures of these cells particularly the organelles are also unchanged. This condition is considered the least dangerous type of endometrial hyperplasia. Complex hyperplasia is the crowding or budding of the glands. This condition is more irregular and usually resolved by pharmacotherapy and D and C but not with the regular menstruation. The induction of progesterone hormone forcibly shed the endometrium lining. These conditions are less likely to cause uterine cancer. Epidemiological studies indicate that less than 2% of the people diagnosed with these conditions develop uterine cancer.

Simple hyperplasia with atypia comprises several cellular alterations that are similar to cancer cells. The cells manifest extreme piling or stratification, altered organelles particularly the nucleus and continues to divide rapidly and exponentially. Complex hyperplasia with atypia also shows organelle alteration accompanied by cellular budding and extreme stratification. These conditions have the greatest risk for the development of uterine cancer. These conditions seldom respond to progesterone therapy and those who have had hysterectomies developed uterine cancer. Anxiety is common for those people diagnosed with this complication. The risks are well defined in this study and shows that not all people who contacts this hyperplasia develops uterine cancer.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Health_Conditions/31.html



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Eating breakfast keeps your metabolism in line so you burn more calories through the day. This is true when you are at a steady weight. However, when it comes to losing weight, eating breakfast is not an accelerator of weight loss. The calories going in still need to go somewhere. Yes, you definitely get more obese in the long term if you skip breakfast, then eat normal amounts of food for lunch and dinner afterward. A person who skips breakfast puts their body in starvation mode so that any excess food that you eat later in the day instantly becomes fat as the body scrambles to keep any sugar available in the body after being told it's starving when breakfast is skipped.

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Let's talk body basics. We eat to stay alive. When we eat extra it becomes fat. When we don't eat enough to sustain ourselves, the fat is burned off to use up what we've stored. It's that simple. All mammals have this ability. Fat allows our body to have sugar and nutrients to stay alive and disappears when we don't have enough going in our mouths.

However there are all these little nuances to that simplicity that are used to confuse you and help perpetuate these myths to losing weight.

Take joy in small progress. Acknowledge yourself when you have done little and consistent weight loss progresses. Do not be too harsh on yourself if you cannot shed off pounds that easily. The key here is consistently losing of unwanted body fats. On the other hand, do not be saddened for some weight gains after several exercises; it may be due to the muscles you build. Remember that muscles are heavier than fats, thus, weight gain does not necessary follow that you are getting fatter - it could be that you are getting leaner. Above all, always be honest to yourself if you really have gained some pounds due to fats or due to muscles.
Chew your food well. By chewing your food well, you eat slowly. This is because, once you have take in some food, it takes 20 minutes to signal your brain of the feelings of fullness. Thus, if you eat fast, there is a big tendency that you have taken a lot of food within 20 minutes compared to eating slowly. Aside from that, chewing your food well helps your body easily metabolize what you eat. It also prevents you from constipation and indigestion problems.

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Train with Weights or Do Some Weight Training. Weight training helps you shed off some body fats better. Muscles burn fats. On the other hand, cardiovascular exercises are still effective for weight loss since it burns calories but muscles gained from weight training gives you the maintenance for a healthier and leaner look. It is advisable that at the minimum, you increase your weights 5% every two weeks from its current weight. For example, if you are lifting 30 kilogram weights then you must, at the minimum, lift 31.5 kilogram weights after two weeks.

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